Tag Archives: Cooking

Cooking with Chickens

Roasting or cooking chickens, can make great dog food, in a simple and easy way!  To do this, you will need two full sized chickens, and some time to roast them.

Here is a great recipe, that offers real nutrition, and can be a great way to add value to your dog’s daily nutrition.

Chicken Roasts for Dogs

2 Large Chickens, from 5 pounds to 8 pounds

2 cups of filtered water

2 garlic heads, peeled and separated

2 sprigs of fresh rosemary

2 cups of sweet potatoes, or 4 large sweet potatoes

2 bunches of carrots with stems, chopped, not skinned

2 yellow zucchini or squash, chopped into large pieces

2 spaghetti squash, whole

1 Bag of Frozen Green Beans, 1 pound

Heat oven to 325 degrees F.

Bake squash and sweet potato on a cookie sheet for 1 hour.  Remove and cut squash in half, remove any hard or husky pieces from the squash.

Take all the pieces out of the chicken, ie the glizzards paper, and neck etc.  Keep the gizzards and cook with chicken, but toss the chicken neck or any bones that have no meat attached.  Place chickens, and sweet potatoes in a large pan, and cover with the 2 cups of water.  Bake for 2 hours, or until all the chicken reaches a temp of 180 internal degrees. Once the sweet potatoes and the chicken is cooked, remove, and place chicken on a plate or cooking sheet to cool.


Meanwhile, take the remaining ingredients, and layer over the sweet potatoes and the water, and bake for 15 minutes.

While the veggies are softening and baking, with plastic food safe gloves, remove the bones completely from the chickens.  Be sure to get all the hard bones, as they are dangerous for your dog!

Then, once all the items are cooked, cool a bit, and push all the veggies, chicken and squash through the food mill.

All the water, and the herbs can be then joined into the big milled veggie/meat mix.   The milled mix is your final product, and can be then separated into containers, for freezing, and daily use.


This should take you around 4 hours from start to finish, but the food will be enough for 4 weeks, for a 30 pound dog.  Your dog will be dancing in the kitchen with you!